Trade Show Photography: Bedgear
Las Vegas Market is a one stop shop for all your housing decor needs. It’s a semi permanent tradeshow that takes place multiple times every year at the World Market Center near Downtown Las Vegas. We had the pleasure to capture photo and video for a company called Bedgear. Their modern display features their futuristic technology in the bedding world.
Some of their coolest products include a smart bed with built in speakers, highly customized pillows to enhance the way you sleep, and even stylized sway to sleep in. Each year, Bedgear one ups themselves with their interactive tradeshow display, but this year they brought it to a whole new level. The starts their shopping experience by entering a dingy yellow room lined with old school frumpy beds and toured around by the classic sweaty salesmen. Once the attendee has had just about enough, they enter the actual Bedgear display room.
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